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Departing duo made life members

Departing duo made life members

Andrew Schooler13 May - 14:56
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Sean Tynan and Gary Kioussis honoured by club at annual presentation night.

The club’s departing first-team management duo have been made life members of HPFC.

Club chairman Tony Armstrong bestowed the honour upon manager Sean Tynan and his assistant, Gary Kioussis, at the club’s annual presentation evening on Saturday.

The pair have been in charge of first-team affairs for almost three years but announced last month they would be standing down. Matt Carmichael has already been named as their replacement for the 2024/25 season.

Tony said: “It was a unanimous decision by the senior members of the management committee to award Sean Tynan and Gary Kioussis life membership of Harwich and Parkeston FC at the annual presentation evening.

“They have performed miracles in raising the profile of the Club both on and off the field and thoroughly deserve the highest accolade the Club could award. They will be sadly missed but hopefully still around.

“We now move on to another era at the Club and wish Matt Carmichael every success in carrying on the work Sean and Gary have started.”

After linking up at Royal Oak in September 2021, Sean and Gary led the Shrimpers out of relegation trouble that season before reaching the play-off final in Eastern Counties League Division One North the following campaign, only to lose out on promotion to Downham Town.

This season those play-offs were narrowly missed with a seventh-placed finish achieved.

The duo join Mick Clarke and Reg Smith as life members, the former players having received the honour back in March.

Click here to find out who won what at the club's presentation evening.

Further reading